May 29th, 2024

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Thumbs Down

To those responsible
for maintaining the pine trees
they planted along the
bike path in back of Thistle Lane.
Some of the weeds around
Them are as tall as the pine trees.
One of the trees is dead and
has been for a long time.
It looks bad.

Thumbs Down

To the owner of the property
that backs up to the bike path
in back of Thistle Lane.
It is filled with dead trees,
logs and branches.
It looks awful.
The Township advised me
they only own 5 feet past
the bike path, so it is not
their responsibility.
Clean it up!

May 22nd, 2024

Thumbs Up

I want to give
a huge Thumbs Up
to the Good Samaritans
who helped stop traffic
and called 911
on Sunday, May 5th around 9:15am.
I was exhausted
from being a caregiver
to my husband and
fell asleep at the wheel on
Callowhill Road
going to work in the rain.
They could have
just driven around me,
but instead
they stopped and helped!
My guardian angels,
my seatbelt and my Subaru
saved my life.
Thank you
to the good people
who stopped to
help me.

Thumbs Down

To whoever is responsible for
maintaining Limeport Pike
for not fixing the
many, many potholes.

Thumbs Up

To Edwardo
at Center Valley McDonald’s
for finding my wallet.
When I retraced my steps
4 hours after
eating there he had it.
Everything was intact and
he would not accept
a reward.

Thumbs Up

To the young man
who gave me
a dozen red roses
when I was shopping at
Landis Market in Perkasie
on Mother’s Day.
A total stranger.
What a pleasant thing
for him to do.
I will always remember
his kindness.
From a Thankful Lady

May 15th, 2024

Thumbs Down

To the powers that be.
Why the stop signs
at Brick Tavern
 and Old Bethlehem Pike?
 Why not a traffic circle?
  Almost a better idea.