2024 Thumbs
Dec. 18, 2024
Thumbs Up
To First United Church
of Christ in Quakertown
for the delicious and homemade
Thanksgiving dinner
they provided.
My boyfriend and I
really enjoyed it.
Thank you to everyone
who had a hand
in this wonderful meal.
Thumbs Up
To all the good people
who work at Penny Power.
And thank you to the new owners
for taking over the business
and making it a success.
Hope it keeps thriving.
Dec. 11, 2024
Thumbs Up
To all those who
contributed winter coats for
St. Paul Blue Church (Coopersburg)
November coat drive.
Coats will be provided to
those in need in
our community just as
the coldest weather is upon us.
May this Sprit of Love
abide with you
and yours
this Christmas season
and in the New Year.
Thumbs Down
To the people
who come before we
are open for
business and take
a Christmas tree
and leave $20.
Thank you.
Thumbs Up
To the young man from
St. Isidore’s Church
who upon learning our
water well had gone dry,
stopped by our house
and dropped off five 5-gallon
containers of water and a
battery-operated spigot.
Thank you so much!
Dec. 4, 2024
Thumbs Down
To all drivers who forgot
basic Drivers Ed class…
When coming to a
stop light or stop sign,
pull up to the car
in front of you!
It seems like since Covid
we “social distance” our cars!?
The spaces
in front of these cars
result in traffic jams
and causes us to sit
through multiple lights.
They could easily
move up and let people
behind you past to
make a right turn
or get by to make
the left turn light.
Please be courteous and pull
up to the car in front of you!
Laws of physics will tell you
putting space between
the car in front of you
and your car
will only slingshot
you faster and harder if
hit from behind.
Nov. 27, 2024
Thumbs Up
To Quakertown Alive
for putting on another wonderful
Christmas Tree Lighting Festival
in Downtown Quakertown.
Thanks to all the volunteers,
vendors, shopkeepers,
the live nativity participants,
Santa & Mrs. Claus and
everyone who made this
community event possible.
It was great to see
so many happy children,
and adults, too!
Thumbs Down
To all the local residents
who either will not or cannot
take down their political signs
and Halloween decorations.
The election is over and
Halloween is long past.
Please clean up your yards.
It is time to move on!
Nov. 20, 2024
Thumbs Up
Thank you
to the people on
Apple Street
in Hellertown
for helping me out.
Nov. 13, 2024
Thumbs Up
To Brenda,
for turning around to help
when that 4-pointer
hit me broadside
on my bike on Rickert Road
on Sunday, October 20th
around 1:30pm.
And to Jack,
who offered to
get me home.
Thank you both
for being there.
Thumbs Up
To all my
wonderful neighbors
who put my
paper up on the porch
so this 85-year old man
does not have to go
down the front steps and
pick it up from
wherever the carrier
throws it.
Thank you very much!
Nov. 6, 2024
Thumbs Down
To the three teenage boys
who emptied
our trick or treat candy bowl,
not allowing the
candy to be shared
with the many young
costumed trick or treaters
who found an empty bowl.
Shame on you!
Thumbs Down
A Big Thumbs Down
to the person who,
without permission,
removed the Penny Power
outdoor pick-up box in Hellertown.
Now perhaps you are the Grinch
and you just removed it in order
to decorate it for Christmas.
If that’s the case,
we will give you a huge
Thumbs Up when you return it.
But for now, this is definitely
Thumbs Up
To the drivers who
stop for pedestrians crossing
in a cross walk.
Thank you for stopping
and being careful.
Thumbs Up
A big Thumbs Up
to all our neighbors in
for the awesome
Halloween decorations!
We really enjoyed
the outstanding displays!
Thumbs Down
To the parents
who don’t teach their children
rules of being a safe
#1 Look both ways before crossing.
#2 Cross behind parked cars, not in front of them.
#3 If you are near a cross walk,
use the cross walk.
Don’t cross the street 5 feet away
from a crosswalk
without looking both ways
So often I see young
people/students crossing streets,
not looking where they are going,
but crossing right in front
of moving cars,
especially in school zones,
with the parent watching!
Parents – Do better!
Oct. 30, 2024
Thumbs Up
To all the great
farm stands and orchards
in this area.
Thank you for providing us
with another season
of wonderful local produce.
From Spring asparagus
through the
Fall apples and cabbages.
We are grateful for it all!
Thumbs Up
To the gentleman who
bought my kids and I lunch
at Burger King after realizing
I had forgotten my wallet
in a different purse at home.
I was already having a bad day,
and my kids were amazed
by your generosity!
Oct. 23, 2024
Thumbs Up
To the new edition
of Penny Power for
new features, Garden Tips,
Pet section and Kids’ Corner.
Great for 68-year old kids, too!
Thumbs Up
To the crew of volunteers
who planned and organized
the Coopersburg Halloween Parade!
It was a really fun event
and it appeared
everyone there truly enjoyed it.
Thanks also to all participants,
the dance groups, businesses
and especially
the volunteer firefighters and
ambulance crews,
as well as
our police department.
Thumbs Up
A belated Thumbs Up
to the volunteers
who made our
Coopersburg Community Day
such a special day for
all the visitors, community groups
and vendors.
Thanks again to everyone!
Oct. 9, 2024
Thumbs Up
Thank you
for the help I received
at Wawa on
John Fries Highway.
These people did not know
I was on my way
to put my dog down,
I had no gas and
then my battery died.
There are
good people in the world!
Oct. 2, 2024
Thumbs Down
To the people stealing
political signs from
other people’s property.
Trail cams and ring doorbells
are recording you.
Sept. 25, 2024
Thumbs Up
On September 17
my wife and I went to the
Chalfont Post Office.
We had several things to mail
which were in the back
seat of our car,
as well as my wallet.
I inadvertently dropped
my wallet on the ground.
A lady came into the Post Office
and asked who had lost a wallet.
I would like to thank
her very much for her
kindness and honesty.
There really are
good people in the world.
Thank you again
Thumbs Up
The Job Fair
at Quakertown Library was
very helpful.
Hope I get a job!
Thank you.
Thumbs Up
To all
of the
people picking up
trash along
Route 412.
Sept. 18, 2024
Thumbs Up
To the couple
who surprised us by
paying our bill at
Arielle’s Country Inn
on August 30th.
Your kindness
truly blessed us.
We only wish
we could have thanked you
in person.
Thumbs Up
Thank you
to all the people
who are
driving the speed limit
and paying attention
and teaching their children to
do the same
as they learn to drive.
The wildlife
appreciate you.
Thumbs Down
To the vandal
that flattened the tires
of 35+ cars in the
Cedar Grove Estates
on Tuesday night.
Doing your dirty work was
not bad enough but
damaging the cars of seniors
and handicapped people
was the lowest of the low.
Karma will get you back!
Thumbs Down
People please slow down!
Parents please teach your children
to drive the speed limit,
especially on more rural roads.
There are deer crossing
the roads
all the time now.
No one wants to hit a deer.
The residents do
not want to have to get
the dead deer
off the road.
Please, Please, Please
slow down and pay attention
while driving.
Sept. 11, 2024
Thumbs Down
To the inconsiderate
person who allows their dog
to poop in our side yard
and does not
pick it up.
This happens on Thursday nights
in our development.
I say this
because I have stepped
in it when I put the
garbage cans
away the next day
Thumbs Up
To the
person or persons
who cleaned
up the
front entrance to
Walnut Bank Farms
and made
a lovely garden.
It looks
Aug. 28, 2024
Thumbs Up
To Judy Ambrose
for bringing back Penny Power.
Now I can get all those
Thumbs Up & Down
out of my system!
Thumbs Up
To the
person or persons
who left a gift card
in our mailbox.
Thank you so much,
From Myself
My Family.
Thumbs Down
To the person parking
their car on
Broad Street without it
being inspected.
Please keep yourself and
others safe.
Please get your
car inspected.
Aug. 21, 2024
Thumbs Up
To the lovely
Coopersburg family
we met at
The Meadows
bird-watching platform
in Cape May.
Your kind words and support
of Penny Power
are much appreciated.
Thumbs Up
for visiting and
picking up Penny Power
at one of our
over 100 (and growing) great
pick-up locations.
Please take a second copy
for a friend or neighbor
and help
spread the word.
Many thanks
for your warm welcome
to the new owner
and loyalty to the
Penny Power.
Aug. 14, 2024
Thumbs Up
No need
to complain about
the humidity.
It’s just Mother Nature’s
way of giving you a hug!
Thumbs Down
Please do not have animals
as pets if you want to
leave them outside
to cry in excessive heat.
It is cruel and
you do not deserve
to have animals in your life.